
What is Philosophy?

What could have been a better topic for the first philosophy club blog than “What’s Philosophy?” I have stumbled upon this question of “What exactly is a philosophical question?” quite frequently, especially during our meetings, thinking about whether the questions I am asking are philosophical. I tried to explore what exactly philosophers think about it. There’s this book, “Philosophy Bites”, where the author interviews various philosophers. The book starts by asking them, “What is Philosophy”. After hearing all the answers, they concluded that “philosophy is an unusual subject in that its practitioners don’t agree on what it’s about.” Some of those responses were : "Philosophy is thinking really hard about the most important questions and trying to bring analytic clarity both to the questions and the answers.” ~ Marilyn Adams "It’s a little bit like what Augustine famously said about the concept of time. When nobody asks me about it, I know. But whenever somebody asks me ab